Weeks programme at St Andrew's:-
Sunday 16th March
11.00am Mass (2nd Sunday of Lent)
Monday 17th March
9.30am Mass (Saint Patrick)
Tuesday 18th March
10.00am Mass (2nd week of Lent)
6.00pm Jenny Glen Reception
Wednesday 19th March
11.00am Mass (Jenny Glen Funeral)
Thursday 20th March
9.15-9.45am Exposition of Blessed Sac’ment
10.00am Mass (2nd Week of Lent)
Friday 21st March
9.20am Rosary for the sick
9.40am Stations of the cross
10.00am Mass (2nd week of Lent)
Saturday 22nd March
10.00am Mass (2nd week of Lent)
3.45-4.15 (Confessions)
4.30pm Vigil Mass (3rd Sunday of Lent)
Sunday 23rd March
10.15-10.45am (Confessions)
11.00am Mass (3rd Sunday of Lent)
Sick List: Francis Gardiner, Pat Sludden, Hannah Houston, Rhonda Veldon, Raymond Queen, Brian Orr, Sarah McLeod, Philomena O’Neill, Willie & Betty Murphy, Willie Bremner, Kathleen Claire, Anne Murdoch, Thomas Lally, John Morgan, James Murray, Joe Molloy, Edward Hughes, Betty Carroll, Baby Ezekiel Smith.
Recently Deceased: Jenny Glen.
Anniversaries: Edward O’Toole. Isabella & Robert Carr, Maureen Doherty, Una Pearson, Joseph Pearson (Snr), Pat Pearson, Theresa Bird.
Months Mind: John & Mary Panton