Weeks programme at St Andrew's:-
Sunday 16th March
11.00am Mass (2nd Sunday of Lent)
Monday 17th March
9.30am Mass (Saint Patrick)
Tuesday 18th March
10.00am Mass (2nd week of Lent)
6.00pm Jenny Glen Reception
Wednesday 19th March
11.00am Mass (Jenny Glen Funeral)
Thursday 20th March
9.15-9.45am Exposition of Blessed Sac’ment
10.00am Mass (2nd Week of Lent)
Friday 21st March
9.20am Rosary for the sick
9.40am Stations of the cross
10.00am Mass (2nd week of Lent)
Saturday 22nd March
10.00am Mass (2nd week of Lent)
3.45-4.15 (Confessions)
4.30pm Vigil Mass (3rd Sunday of Lent)
Sunday 23rd March
10.15-10.45am (Confessions)
11.00am Mass (3rd Sunday of Lent)
Sick List: Francis Gardiner, Pat Sludden, Hannah Houston, Rhonda Veldon, Raymond Queen, Brian Orr, Sarah McLeod, Philomena O’Neill, Willie & Betty Murphy, Willie Bremner, Kathleen Claire, Anne Murdoch, Thomas Lally, John Morgan, James Murray, Joe Molloy, Edward Hughes, Betty Carroll, Baby Ezekiel Smith.
Recently Deceased: Jenny Glen.
Anniversaries: Edward O’Toole. Isabella & Robert Carr, Maureen Doherty, Una Pearson, Joseph Pearson (Snr), Pat Pearson, Theresa Bird.
Months Mind: John & Mary Panton
Parish History
1950 - Parish Founding
During the course of the 1940s, an increase in the population of Airdrie, particularly the RomanCatholic community led to the decision by Bishop Douglas to establish what would become the second parish in the town of Airdrie. St Margaret’s Airdrie was founded in 1839 it would be over 100 years later that in 1950 St Andrew’s Parish, Whinhall was established.

1950 -1954 - A time of fund raising
Following the establishment of the new parish, the next four years would prove to be a time of intense activity amongst the new Parish Community. A site for the church was identified and fund raising to finance the building of the church took place.
1954 - A new church for airdrie
After 2 years of building works, in late 1954 the new church building was finally completed and the Solemn Opening of the church could take place. High Mass was celebrated by Right Rev. Monsignor Rodgers (Vicar General of the Diocese of Motherwell) assisted by Fr. Daniel McGlinchy and Fr. Peter Murphy.

Building challenges
The building of our church came at a post war time when obtaining many building materials remained difficult. The frame for the church building had to be obtained from the army and church building then had to be designed to fit around the ready made steel frame.
At the opening of the church, Fr. Patrick McHugh, congratulated the designers, decorators and furnishers for the success of their work despite the challenges they faced.
Our First Svdp group pictured with Fr. patrick mchugh

2005 - Canon o'sullivan's Golden Jubilee

2008 - Canon O'Sullivan retires
In 2005, the parish of St Andrew's celebrated the Golden jubilee of Canon O'sullivan's ordination to the priesthood.

Three years after celebrating his Golden Jubilee, Canon Patrick O'Sullivan retired from Parish life.
On the occasion of him leaving the parish he said;
"After almost 25 years, the time has come to say good-bye and thank you. I can say without a shadow of doubt that the years I spent in St. Andrew's here were the happiest of my entire priesthood. Your Kindness, generosity, tolerance and support has been invaluable. You supported me good times and bad times -something I appreciate most sincerly. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you very much for everything - words cannot describe how i feel. In my place you are getting Father Christopher Taylor. I am sure you will give him the same support that you gave me. He will carry you onwards and upwards. I ask you to give him your fullest support and co-operation. I will remember you at the altar - you do the same for me. As you say your farewells to me, may you welcome Fr. Taylor into your hearts. May God Bless you and yours."