Weeks programme at St Andrew's:-
Sunday 9th March
11.00am Mass (8th Sunday Ord time)
Monday 10th March
9.30am Mass (Saint John Ogilvie)
Tuesday 11th March
10.00am Mass (1st week of Lent)
Wednesday 12th March
10.00am Mass (1st week of Lent)
6.00pm Denis O’Neill reception
Thursday 13th March
10.00am Mass (Denis O’Neill funeral)
Friday 14th March
9.20am Rosary for the sick
9.40am Stations of the cross
10.00am Mass (1st week of Lent)
Saturday 15th March
10.00am Mass (1st week of Lent)
3.45-4.15 (Confessions)
4.30pm Vigil Mass (1st Sunday of Lent)
Sunday 9th March
10.15-10.45am Confessions
11.00am Mass (1st Sunday of Lent)
Sick List: Francis Gardiner, Pat Sludden, Hannah Houston, Rhonda Veldon, Raymond Queen, Brian Orr, Sarah McLeod, Philomena O’Neill, Willie & Betty Murphy, Willie Bremner, Kathleen Claire, Anne Murdoch, Thomas Lally, John Morgan, James Murray, Joe Molloy, Chris MacDougall, Edward Hughes, Betty Carroll.
Recently Deceased: Denis O’Neill, Jenny Glen.
Anniversaries: Bobby Bennett, Felix Mullen, Jim Mulheron, Bonnie Curley.
Months Mind: Martin Cavanagh, Hendry Joseph Beekman, Hendry John Beekman.
Saint Patrick’s Night Dance: Maggie Doyle who was due to sing next week has taken ill. An alternative singer has been arranged but if you bought tickets because you wanted to see Maggie refunds are available.
Monday Masses during Lent: 9.30am.
Friday Masses during Lent: Please be aware Friday Masses may start late depending on the Stations of the Cross. We’ll aim at 10am but it’s hard to predict how long the reflections for each station are going to last.
Confessions during Lent: From next Sunday Confessions are available 10.15-10.45am before Mass during Lent.
Fontes Magazine: The Lent issue of the diocesan magazine is out.
Beginning Experience: The loss of a loved one through separation, divorce or death is one of life’s most traumatic experiences. It can result in unbearable feelings of grief and loneliness. The Beginning Experience team would like to help. A weekend away for a lifetime of change. To be held at Conforti Centre, Coatbridge 4th-6th April 2025. A time to heal by experiencing God’s love through others. An opportunity to begin again. For further details phone: Louise on 07926 571004 or email louise398@gmail.com
Rosary for Denis O’Neill: At McAllister’s Funeral Parlour Wednesday 5.15pm (prior to the reception in church at 6.00pm.
St Patrick’s Night: We would gratefully welcome donations towards the raffle to be held that night.
Prize Bingo: Date to be announced shortly. Once again we would welcome any suitable donations as prizes. Proceeds to building fund.
Foodbank: Wednesday from 3pm-4pm. Everyone who needs food is welcome. Please pass on this information (sensitively) to anyone who might benefit.
St Andrew’s Hospice – Make a Will Month – March 2025: Make or update your Will and support St Andrew’s Hospice during the month of March. Several Lanarkshire Legal Firms have agreed to write a basic Will or update an existing Will and waive their legal fee, in return for a donation to St Andrew’s Hospice. For further information please contact Lorna McCafferty, Trusts, Legacy and Individual Giving Manager at St Andrew’s Hospice on 01236 772087 or email lorna.mccafferty@standrews.scot.nhs.uk or visit the Hospice website :-www.st-andrews-hospice.com for details of the Solicitors taking part.
​Stations of the Cross: During Lent there’ll be Stations of the Cross at 9.40am. To allow this the daily rosary for the sick will start at 9.20am.
The Search for Truth: Edith Stein, 14 – 16 March 2025: Fr Matthew Blake, OCD will offer a weekend exploring the life and teachings of Edith Stein, or St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, and her indomitable search for truth that led her to the Catholic faith. For more information and to book: https://christianheritagecentre.com/events/the-search-for-truth-edith-stein/
Mens’ Spiritual Exercises, 30 March – 4 April 2025: A 5-day version of the Ignatian Exercises offered specifically for men (whether lay or ordained), this retreat will be preached by the Benedictine Monks of St Joseph’s Abbey, Flavigny (France). Founded in 1988, this community has retained its charism of a specific apostolate to men with a shortened version of the Ignatian Exercises. One-to-one direction will be offered alongside the talks. Priests are welcome to attend and concelebrate or celebrate their own Mass.
For more information and to book: https://christianheritagecentre.com/events/mens-spiritual-exercises/
Aid to the Church in Need: Scottish Conference 'Courage to be Catholic':
Saturday 29th March, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, 9:30am - 4:00pm Hear from inspiring speakers, meet representatives of Catholic organisations from around Scotland, and help build Catholic community.
Stations of the cross

1st Station - Jesus is condemned to death
Consider how Jesus Christ, after being scourged and crowned with thorns, was unjustly condemned by Pilate to die on the cross.
2nd Station - Jesus carries his cross
Consider Jesus as He walked this road with the cross on His shoulders, thinking of us, and offering to His Father in our behalf, the death He was about to suffer.

3rd Station - Jesus falls for the first time
Consider the first fall of Jesus. Loss of blood from the scourging and crowing with thorns had so weakened Him that He could hardly walk; and yet He had to carry that great load upon His shoulders. As the soldiers struck Him cruelly, He fell several times under the heavy cross.
4th Station - Jesus meets His mother Mary
Consider how the Son met his Mother on His way to Calvary. Jesus and Mary gazed at each other and their looks became as so many arrows to wound those hearts which loved each other so tenderly

5th Station - Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross
Consider how weak and weary Jesus was. At each step He was at the point of expiring. Fearing that He would die on the way when they wished Him to die the infamous death of the cross, they forced Simon of Cyrene to help carry the cross after Our Lord.
6th Station - Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
Consider the compassion of the holy woman, Veronica. Seeing Jesus in such distress, His face bathed in sweat and blood, she presented Him with her veil. Jesus wiped His face, and left upon the cloth the image of his sacred countenance.

7th Station - Jesus falls for the second time
Consider how the second fall of Jesus under His cross renews the pain in all the wounds of the head and members of our afflicted Lord.
8th Station - Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem
Consider how the women wept with compassion seeing Jesus so distressed and dripping with blood as
he walked along. Jesus said to them, "Weep not so much for me, but rather for Your children."

9th Station - Jesus falls for the third time
Consider how Jesus Christ fell for the third time. He was extremely weak and the cruelly of His executioners was excessive; they tried to hasten His steps though He hardly had strength to move.
10th Station - Jesus is stripped of his clothes
Consider how Jesus was violently stripped of His clothes by His executioners. The inner garments adhered to his lacerated flesh and the soldiers tore them off so roughly that the skin came with them Have pity for your Savior so cruelly treated and tell Him

11th Station - Jesus is nailed to the cross
Consider Jesus, thrown down upon the cross, He stretched out His arms and offered to His eternal Father the sacrifice of His life for our salvation. They nailed His hands and feet, and then, raising the cross, left Him to die in anguish.
12th Station - Jesus dies on the cross
Consider how Your Jesus, after three hours of agony on the cross, is finally overwhelmed with suffering and, abandoning Himself to the weight of His body, bows His head and dies.

13th Station - Jesus is taken down from the cross
Consider how, after Our Lord had died, He was taken down from the cross by two of His disciples, Joseph and Nicodemus, and placed in the arms of His afflicted Mother. She received Him with unutterable tenderness and pressed Him close to her bosom.
14th Station - Jesus is placed in the tomb
Consider how the disciples carried the body of Jesus to its burial, while His holy Mother went with them and arranged it in the sepulcher with her own hands. They then closed the tomb and all departed.